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Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can seem like learning a new language with its own set of unique terms and phrases.

However, understanding these terms is crucial to unlocking the full potential of the NDIS and empowering participants to lead enriched lives. That’s where CoAbility comes in.

As a Support Coordination business, CoAbility works within the complex framework of the NDIS, effectively translating the jargon and helping participants understand their plans and their rights. We dive deep into each participant’s plan, identifying opportunities and linking them to the appropriate supports and services.

This blog post will explore key NDIS terms, detailing how CoAbility works within these guidelines and how we empower participants to navigate their NDIS journey confidently.

So whether you’re a participant, a family member, a support worker, or just curious about the NDIS landscape, join us as we demystify the NDIS language and highlight the crucial role of Support Coordination in helping participants realise their goals.

Here are all of the terms you’ve provided in alphabetical order:

Agency Managed Plans

In these plans, the NDIA manages the funding and pays providers directly. CoAbility can help participants with agency-managed plans understand what services they can access and how to get the most out of their plans.

Assistive Technology

Any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed. CoAbility helps coordinate these types of supports for participants when required.

Capacity Building Supports

These supports enable participants to build their independence and skills. CoAbility may coordinate these types of supports to empower participants to take an active part in their communities and to manage their own lives to the best of their abilities.

Capital Supports

These are investments, such as assistive technologies, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, and funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation. CoAbility aids participants in coordinating these supports to facilitate a more comfortable and independent lifestyle.

Choice and Control

CoAbility is committed to this principle, which means that participants have the right to make their own decisions about what is important to them. This includes which providers they engage to deliver their funded supports.

Core Supports

Core Supports help participants with everyday activities, their disability-related needs, and to work towards their goals. They are divided into four categories: Daily Activities, Home Living, Social and Community Participation, and Transport. CoAbility assists participants to utilise their Core Supports effectively.

Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)

This approach is for children aged 0-6 who have a developmental delay or disability. It supports families to help children develop the skills they need to participate in daily activities and achieve the best possible outcomes throughout their life. CoAbility could potentially coordinate supports for families involved in this program.

Funded Supports

These are the specific supports and services that the NDIS has agreed to fund for a participant. CoAbility helps participants to implement these funded supports.

Functional Capacity

Refers to the ability of a person to function in their day-to-day life. This concept is central to the NDIS’s assessment of what supports a person requires. Understanding a participant’s functional capacity helps CoAbility tailor their support strategies.


These are central to the work of CoAbility. They help participants to set their goals, and then they coordinate supports and services to help participants reach them.

Individualised Funding

The portion of a participant’s NDIS plan that is allocated for them to purchase the supports and services they need. CoAbility can help participants understand their individualised funding and how to use it effectively.

Informal Network

The social network of the participant, including friends, family, and the community. CoAbility takes this into account when developing a support strategy, acknowledging the crucial role of these networks in participants’ lives.

Informal Supports

These are the unpaid supports typically provided by family and friends. CoAbility takes these supports into account when coordinating a participant’s plan to ensure a holistic approach.

LAC (Local Area Coordinator)

LACs are a key link between the NDIS, participants and service providers. CoAbility may liaise with LACs to help participants access services and implement their plans.

Mainstream Services

These are everyday services provided by government agencies or community organisations outside the NDIS, such as education, health, and housing services. CoAbility may help participants to connect with these services, which can be critical in supporting participants’ goals.

NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency)

As the organisation that implements the NDIS, the NDIA is where CoAbility’s clients’ funding comes from. Understanding the rules and procedures of the NDIA is crucial for CoAbility in order to serve their clients effectively.

NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

This is the scheme that provides the funding for participants to receive the supports they need. CoAbility will work within the framework of the NDIS to help participants make the most out of their plan.

NDIS Registered Provider

An organisation or individual who provides a product or service to a participant of the NDIS. They meet the requirements set out by the NDIA. CoAbility is a NDIS Registerd Provider.


These are the people that CoAbility serves. They are individuals with disabilities who have been approved to receive funding from the NDIS.

Participant Statement

This is a statement provided by a participant that includes their personal details, living arrangement, supports currently received, daily routines, and short and long-term goals. It’s an important document for CoAbility as it provides key information to understand the participant’s situation and aspirations.

Periodic Supports

These are supports that are provided to the participant at regular intervals but not daily, such as weekly therapy sessions. CoAbility helps participants schedule and coordinate these supports.


This is the roadmap that outlines a participant’s supports and services. It is the basis on which CoAbility helps participants to make decisions and coordinate services.

Plan Management

While CoAbility’s main role is as a support coordinator, understanding the financial management aspect of an NDIS plan is crucial. They need to know how the funds are being managed in order to effectively coordinate supports.

Plan Nominee

A person who is appointed to help a participant manage their NDIS plan. CoAbility can work closely with plan nominees, especially when a participant may not be able to manage their own plan.

Plan Review

A meeting between the participant and the NDIA (or their representative) to assess the success of the current plan and determine what changes might need to be made for the next one. CoAbility can support participants in preparing for these reviews, gathering necessary evidence and advocating for their continued or modified needs.

Plan-Managed Plans

Here, a participant’s funding is managed by a professional plan manager. CoAbility often works with plan managers to ensure that the coordination of supports aligns with the participant’s budget.

Price Guide

This document lists the cost of all NDIS supports. CoAbility uses the Price Guide to help participants plan and allocate their funding appropriately and efficiently.


These are the organisations or individuals who provide the specific services and supports to participants. CoAbility will work with a range of providers to ensure that participants are receiving the services they need.

Psychosocial Disability

This term refers to a disability stemming from a mental health condition. CoAbility may work with participants with psychosocial disabilities, tailoring their services to the unique needs and challenges these participants might face.

Reasonable and Necessary Supports

These are the supports that the NDIS will fund. They must be related to a person’s disability and assist them to achieve their goals, as well as represent value for money, among other things. CoAbility works within this principle to ensure that all supports coordinates are recognized and funded under the NDIS.

SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation)

If a participant has high support needs that require specific housing solutions, CoAbilitySure, here’s the remaining of the terms in alphabetical order:

SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation)

If a participant has high support needs that require specific housing solutions, CoAbility can help them explore options and coordinate with SDA providers.

Self-Managed Plans

If a participant manages their own NDIS funding, they have a self-managed plan. Participants with self-managed plans have more flexibility but also more responsibility. CoAbility can assist these participants to understand their responsibilities and how to navigate their funding effectively.

Service Agreement

A contract between a participant and a provider that outlines what services will be delivered, the delivery expectations, and how issues will be resolved. CoAbility may help participants understand these agreements or even liaise with providers to establish them.

Silent Supports

These are supports that are not directly funded but are acknowledged in a participant’s NDIS plan to ensure they are considered when planning and scheduling supports. CoAbility must take these into account when coordinating a participant’s services.

SIL (Supported Independent Living)

This is funding for supports to help participants live as independently as possible. CoAbility can assist participants in coordinating and sourcing these supports.

STA (Short Term Accommodation)

For participants who require temporary accommodation, CoAbility can assist in finding and coordinating with STA providers.

Support Coordinator

This is the role that CoAbility takes on. They work with participants to understand their goals and aspirations, then help them to coordinate their supports and services to achieve these goals.

Support Coordination

This is the service that CoAbility provides. They work with participants to ensure their NDIS plan is implemented effectively and efficiently.

Support Worker

This is a person who provides direct supports to participants, such as personal care, community access, or skill-building. CoAbility helps to connect participants with suitable support workers who align with their goals and needs.

Understanding NDIS terminology is the key to unlocking the scheme’s full benefits. With the right support and guidance, navigating this system doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complex. CoAbility is committed to providing this guidance, helping NDIS participants navigate their journey with confidence, enabling them to reach their goals, and leading fulfilling lives.

We understand that every individual’s needs are unique, and we’re here to provide the personalised support you need. Let’s start the conversation about how we can assist you in your NDIS journey.

Reach out to us today on 1800 262 245 – let’s work together to make your NDIS plan work for you.

One Comment

  • Avatar Emman says:

    Navigating the NDIS can feel like learning a new language, but it’s great to see CoAbility simplifying this process. The role of an SDA provider, for example, is crucial but often misunderstood. By breaking down these terms and guiding participants through their plans, CoAbility empowers individuals to fully utilise their support systems. It’s reassuring to know there’s help available to make the NDIS more accessible and understandable for everyone.

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